Albert Lea - August

A nineteen year old boy who has graduated had this to say on his feedback sheet at the end of High School Camp:
“This week God taught me the path I need.” On the back of the sheet the box he checked was “I said Yes to a relationship with Jesus for the first time ever!”
He had been at camp before, but this time was different. God spoke in a powerful way to him and the Holy Spirit testified to his spirit of the truth he was hearing and drew him to a place where he prayed to trust Jesus for the first time in his life. We have been working with this boy in the Albert Lea area for quite a few years. We’ve spent time building a relationship, sharing truth, loving, caring, praying, and waiting. Because in the end it is God and God alone who does the work.
In 1st Corinthians 3:7 the Bible says, “So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.” We have only done what God has asked, we’ve been faithful servants. Thank you for being a faithful servant with us by praying for the ministry and giving financially to send preachers of the Gospel to lost young people. The Bible also says, “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”
This summer, fifteen High School youth, twenty four Middle School youth, and another young person from the Advanced Horse Camp, trusted Christ for the first time in their lives. That was forty youth if you count them all up. On top of that, there were over eighty youth that recommitted their lives to Christ this summer. We labored long hours with many young people this summer. The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. We were so glad to do it! Thank you for partnering with us through your prayers and support! Now I would ask you to pray with us for more laborers!
With the new school year approaching quickly, we are making plans for more ministry. We would like you to join us. For those who are feeling a call to the harvest right now as you read this letter, make a phone call to the Rock and talk to Michelle, Rodney, Nick, Robert or myself about checking into ministry for the upcoming school year.
Greg Gudal
Executive Director